Diary of a Seal
written by Brightsky
This is the diary of Glacier Nola. Read this and I will eat your nose.
Last Updated
Chapter 16
Dear Diary...
Winni DID read you!!! I was playing with Neela and then she flopped out from our new den and she was all, "Hey, GLACIER, why'd you gimme that fish?" and I was like "WHAAAAT?" and Neela was like "Keep your fat nose out of her buisiness!" Neela's WAY AWESOME! Back to the story. Winni was like, "I read your diary, GLACIER, and you wrote that YOU gave me that fish!" And I whapped her and she BIT ME! She BIT ME!!!! And I was BLEEDING! And then she got in biiiiig trouble. Ha-ha!
Love, Glacier.