Straight From Heart
written by Harsha Jean Chase
Arizona, USA, 1947.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
"I wish I could tell you the op will be a cinch son, but its an involved procedure. We have got to separate your ribs from your breastbone so you can breathe normally. Still I reckon we will put it off." Arya's eyes were huge and dark and the rest of him looked thin and pale under his crew cut.
"And then?" he whispered anxiously.
"You will be right as rain."
Arya struggled to ask another question but he was short of breath and the surgeon and his students had already moved on. So later he asked a nurse about Dr. Beck.
"Oh yes, Arya," she smiled. "He is a real expert. Why.he is so clever he is gone and developed a machine to re-start hearts using electric shocks. It is called a defibrillator. He is been testing it out on dogs. So don't you worry - you are in good hands."