When Everything Changed
written by Parker Lestrange
Kenzie is an ordinary Muggle-Born witch. At least she thought so, her life before Hogwarts was normal but why is everyone so afraid of her? Why do they all avoid her? Finally, the truth leaks out. (In Progress by the way. I'm adding a chapter Daily)
Last Updated
The Fourth Chapter
Chapter 4
Kenzie woke up and saw a huge towering man. "Are you Hagrid?" She asked.
"Yea' yer Kenzie righ'?" Hagrid asked.
"Yeah. How do i get to Platform nine and three quarters exactly?" Kenzie questioned.
"Righ' this way." Hagrid said, leading the way. "You have ter run through that wall."
"Through the wall? Are you mad?" Kenzie asked.
"No. Trust meh." Hagrid said. Kenzie shrugged and ran through the wall, and she made it through! She quickly put her stuff away and changed into her robes on the train, her dirty blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun. She sat on the Train and waited for someone to enter but they all seemed terrified to. 'Why?' She asked herself, racking her brains to get anything but couldn't remember a single thing she sighed lonely.