You Can Get Through This - Volume 1
written by Sage Maiden
Read if your life has been going downhill lately. It's basically my story, tips, and quotes to help you get through life.
Last Updated
Through One Ear and Out the Other
Chapter 3
People always say, "If someone is talking negatively, make sure it goes through one ear and out the other!" What those people don't know is that it can work the other way too. If someone is talking positively, make sure it goes through one ear and out the other! There were two wrong things I did when someone complemented me. The first one was the: through one ear and out the other. The second was that I told myself they did it out of pity. This made me feel worse. I thought that if someone complemented me on the work I've accomplished, they did it because my work was done horribly. I thought that they only complemented just so that I wasn't "excluded." I thought everything I did was done so bad, people actually go out of their way to make me feel "good." I want to tell you something. People only complement you because you did amazing. You are amazing. And I'm not saying this out of pity. Now take what I said. Make sure it goes through one ear and stays in your head!