How to Be an Excellent Hogwarts Student Part II
written by Elizabeth Black
This is the Part II to the most helpful book in the library "How to Be an Excellent Hogwarts Student". Go check that out, and then come and read this one. I promise instant results, if you read closely.
Last Updated
How to Be an Excellent Hogwarts Student Part I
Chapter 1
This book is part two to a very helpful book in the library "How to Be an Excellent Hogwarts Student". Before you read this, read that one. Please follow me, and I will return the favor. If this book was helpful to you, I would like to know, so please send me an owl, with the following points covered:
1. Were these books helpful?
2. What chapters in either or both books helped you the most?
3. Can I use your success in my next book as an example? If so, would you like to be unanimous or can I say your name?
4. Have you written any books? If so, let me know so I can read them!
5. What is your year, name, and house?
If I get 50 reads on this book, I will make an example book, with all of everyone's success. Messaging me will also help me start to put it together, so doing that will be a big help!
Best Wishes
- Elizabeth
1. Were these books helpful?
2. What chapters in either or both books helped you the most?
3. Can I use your success in my next book as an example? If so, would you like to be unanimous or can I say your name?
4. Have you written any books? If so, let me know so I can read them!
5. What is your year, name, and house?
If I get 50 reads on this book, I will make an example book, with all of everyone's success. Messaging me will also help me start to put it together, so doing that will be a big help!
Best Wishes
- Elizabeth