Materials and Advice for Going to Hogwarts
written by Merlin D. Trelawney
A list of first year needed materials and advice.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Here is some advice for going to Hogwarts:
Stay away from Peeves
Don't be out of bed after hours
Don't duel anyone
Do your homework on time
Don't listen to Snape's criticism
Don't fall asleep in History of Magic
Remember to jump trick steps
Know where your common room is; the staircases change
Don't do magic in the corridors
Don't go into the Forbidden Forest
Don't scribble or draw on a library book; Madam Pince will have your blood
Don't bring a broomstick
Make sure to eat vegetables and fruit at the feasts
If you're lost, ask a ghost for help
Don't ask Peeves for help
If you hear Filch coming, get away quick!
Don't be scared of the Thestrals
Make some good friends
Do well in class