Lord Voldemort
This book is all about Lord Voldemort and his supporters the death eaters. These people are very dangerous Voldemort Has killed many people including Harry Potters parents.
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Chapter 1-How It Started
Chapter 1
Lord Voldemort is a halfblood person and was in Slytherin. Now even though many people think if you are in Slytherin you are a pureblood Voldemort obviously didn't care though. Voldemorts real name is Tom Marvalo Riddle which spells out I am Lord Voldemort. Also Harry and Voldemorts wand have the same core for a wand a feather from the same phoenix. some of Voldemorts supporters are Serverse Snape and Karkaoff. But Voldemorts Worst victams are HarryPotters Mom and Dad they Died saving Harrys life.