Harry Potter Or Not?!
written by Lilly LoveGood
Why are we writing about warrior cats or other book searies! ( no affence should be taken im just confused)
Last Updated
Why are we talking about things not harry potter related?
Chapter 1
ok, so i get talking with friends blah blah blah, but why are we posting books about ur favorite show, or other books like Narnia, Warrior cats, or Tomorrow girls? i mean there rlly good books. but this website is for harry potter fans to talk and share news about the books and movies. so im just really confused on why we are sharing our books about (My little pony) and other weird storys. Harry Potter is AMAZING and everybody is welcome o this website, but its kinda confusing on why people are talking about other movies and books or there favorite stuffed animal, and not talking about The Crumple Horned Snorkack?