Draco and Hermione
written by ❤️Trinity Libs Valak❤️
They got stuck on a floaty in the middle of nowhere together.
Last Updated
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
When Hermione slapped Draco across the face his sudden reaction was to hit back. Since he was a little boy he was taught by his father that if he got hurt, even a little he had to fight back. Of course he hadn't meant to pull this habit out on a girl. He immediately apologized begging for forgiveness. How could he have done that? But Hermione's reaction was far worse that he expected. She started wheezing and having a really hard time breathing. He then remembered that if you punched someone in the stomach you were hurting there lungs. By the second she got red and redder. Starting to get purple. She was going to die soon if he didn't do something! He gave her mouth to mouth ventilation. As she screamed "more!", "more air". Was she going to survive? He truly hoped so. She had looked so cute that moment she was angry with him. After all that's why he kissed her on the cheek.