The Song of the Phoenix
written by Cho Granger
A girl is going on an adventure at Hogwarts and during the whole time, she is hearing the elegant cry of a Phoenix.
Last Updated
The Dark Common Room
Chapter 18
I was having a good night. The Ravenclaws were having a party in the common room (for no rhyme or reason just because we were feeling like it). I had never seen the common room so packed before. Someone must've taken advantage of the full common room because the next thing I saw was horrible.
The room went dark. It went pitch black. "AH!" shrieked Eleanor, "WE ARE FALLING!!" She was totally true. We were falling in midair. We were falling.
And for what seemed like centuries, we finally reached the ground. We were in a dark cellar.
The room went dark. It went pitch black. "AH!" shrieked Eleanor, "WE ARE FALLING!!" She was totally true. We were falling in midair. We were falling.
And for what seemed like centuries, we finally reached the ground. We were in a dark cellar.