lilyflowersonmymind •jily•
written by Avery Vollen
james develops a crush on lily in first year, and he does some pretty crazy things to win her affections.
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Chapter 1
Lily- I hate you! Stop doing stupid things to try to get my attention, I don’t care!
The next day, the school is filled with lily flowers, and James denies he did anything. A few meters away, in the great hall, Sirius leans in and whispered to Remus, “See? I told you I could be nice sometimes.”, and Remus rolled his eyes. Lily never told anyone, but she found it sweet.
The next day, the school is filled with lily flowers, and James denies he did anything. A few meters away, in the great hall, Sirius leans in and whispered to Remus, “See? I told you I could be nice sometimes.”, and Remus rolled his eyes. Lily never told anyone, but she found it sweet.