Éna kaló méros: My island.
written by Alistar
I made this Island as a school project in 6th grade. I thought you might like it!
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Chapter 1
The Name of my island is Éna kaló méros, which means “A good place” in Greek. The latitude and longitude is 36N 41W. It is in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. It is 42 miles long, and 35 miles wide, which makes it a total of 1,813 square miles. It can be compared to the size of Delaware. The biomes on my island are Grassland, Deciduous forest, and Tundra. The temperature for my biomes is the same except for the tundra which is usually 20 degrees to -50. The river system on my island is called “Grásta casta”, which means “Complicated grace” in Irish. I named it that because the wave patterns are strange but beautiful. My two lakes are called “Tonnta óir” and “Tonnta an ádh” which mean “Waves of gold” and “Waves of luck” in Irish . The mountain range on my island is called the “Sky-high mountains” because they are the tallest mountains in the world, topping Mount Everest at 30,000 ft. The cliffs surrounding the tundra are called the “Apótomos cliffs.”Apótomos” means “Steep” in Greek. “Nevaeh’s spiral", the strange out cropping of the island on the east side, was named after the founder of the island(see chapter 9).
The temperatures on my island can get up to 80 degrees in the summer and as low as 15 in the winter. In the winter we rarely get more than 45 inches of snow total each year. There is a medium amount of rain year round except in the Sky-high mountains, where the weather is very unpredictable. My island is generally windy. Surprisingly, the latitude and longitude of where my island is affect it very little. It is generally more rainy or snowy in the mountains.
The temperatures on my island can get up to 80 degrees in the summer and as low as 15 in the winter. In the winter we rarely get more than 45 inches of snow total each year. There is a medium amount of rain year round except in the Sky-high mountains, where the weather is very unpredictable. My island is generally windy. Surprisingly, the latitude and longitude of where my island is affect it very little. It is generally more rainy or snowy in the mountains.