Random Headcanon and Fanfiction: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hamilton, etc
written by UwU
This is a collection of assorted headcanon and fanfic. It's not strictly speaking Harry Potter. If you want to make a suggestion put it on my wall! I'm really excited to see what people suggest, but this is also a space for me to be random and creative. Please read the first chapter if you're going to submit an idea. You are amazing, and the universe loves you! :D If you like it, please add it to your shelf so you can easily read updates!
Last Updated
This is important!! Read this chapter!!!
Chapter 1
Hello everyone! I'm Caroline Way, author of Miles Apart Beside You, Ahead of Our Time, and Uncross the Stars. If you have any ideas for stuff you want me to write feel free to post on my wall! Post your idea so others can vote on it. To vote for an idea, 'like' it. At the end of the week, I'll write using the most liked idea. If there's a tie I'll either do both or choose my favorite. This book is also just random stuff I've made. It's not strictly speaking Harry Potter. If a chapter is from the weekly contest then I'll put the week date in the title. Enjoy!