Spells and charms ( the movie version )
written by ophelia
What are the spells like in the movie version ? Covering Everething in this book to wingardium leviosa to dueling club spells to spells taught to dumbledore's army. Everything is in detail.
Last Updated
Wingardium leviosa
Chapter 1
The first lesson charms professor Filius Flitwick gives first year students is Wingardium leviosa, a levitation charm with which they attempt to make an abject -in this case a feather- rise up. He reminds them to follow a precise wand movement : ' swish and flick ' .
Ron weaskey is annoyed by hermione 's assistance during charms class but he proves he listened to her when a troll invades hogwarts castle on Halloween and traps hermione in a bathroom. Ron casts the spell so that the troll's heavy club floats up and then drops down on its head , knocking it out
Ron weaskey is annoyed by hermione 's assistance during charms class but he proves he listened to her when a troll invades hogwarts castle on Halloween and traps hermione in a bathroom. Ron casts the spell so that the troll's heavy club floats up and then drops down on its head , knocking it out