CHRM-101 Notebook
written by Piper Clark
Piper Clark's detailed CHRM-101 notes - These are COMPLETE. Includes notes for lessons 1-9 as well as an index of spells at the end.
Last Updated
Lesson 7: Categories of Spells
Chapter 7
~Spell Categorization
-Category based on concentration, end product, and desired effect of spell
-2 groups: Static or dynamic
-Idea came about in Spellwork Convention in 2016
~Static Spells
-Ex: Wand-Lighting Charm
-Defined by Educational Decree #13 as “spells wherein one no longer has influence over the condition of the target once the casting has finished.”
-Once cast, spell has immediate effect that is unchangeable once complete
-no prolonged concentration
-also includes Rocket Charm and Fire-Making Charm
~Dynamic Spells
-More difficult
-Ex: Levitation Charm
-defined by Educational Decree #13 as 'spells wherein the caster may maintain some connection to and/or influence over a target, even long after the casting has been completed.’
-Maintain flow of concentration once cast to keep spell going
-Loss of concentration results in an incomplete spell
-also includes Mending Charm, Severing Charm, and Fire-Making Charm
-Some spells fall into both categories depending on desired effect(like Fire-Making Charm)
-Static use: Ignite a flame
-Dynamic use: Jet of flames
~The Severing Charm
-Spell block:
Spell: The Severing Charm
Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shaped down and up, ending with a swish in the direction to cut.
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Moderate; The place to cut and depth of the slice
Category: Dynamic
-Invented in 1400s by seamstress Delfina Crimp
-Allows caster to precisely cut target
-Finish saying spell as performing swish in direction of cut
-Possible mishaps: Nothing happens, target only partly cut, cut is a bit ragged, accidentally cut different object than intended
-Practice in open area where it's relatively safe to make mistakes
-Not nearly as effective on animals/life forms
-Can chop down trees/cut plants
-Can give someone a scratch/papercut, anything more requires yrs of practice and is easily blocked by Shield Charm
~The Softening Charm
-Spell block:
Spell: The Softening Charm
Incantation: Spongify (SPUHN-jee-fye)
Wand Movement: S-Shape
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate;The target object
Category: Static
-Makes target a bit squishy and bouncy
-grows slightly lighter in weight
-Close to consistency of rubber ball
-Ex: If cast on book, book would bounce a little if thrown, but cover would still feel like a book cover
-Much less devastating than Severing Charm if improperly cast
-Mishaps usually result in nothing happening
-If not cast with enough charge, charm wears off very quickly or is only very slightly softened
-Useless against living matter
-Doesn't work against metal/stone(for a Hogwarts aged student)
-Journal Entries for lessons 6 and 7 if you chose to do them
-Mandatory worksheet
-Extra-credit essay
-Category based on concentration, end product, and desired effect of spell
-2 groups: Static or dynamic
-Idea came about in Spellwork Convention in 2016
~Static Spells
-Ex: Wand-Lighting Charm
-Defined by Educational Decree #13 as “spells wherein one no longer has influence over the condition of the target once the casting has finished.”
-Once cast, spell has immediate effect that is unchangeable once complete
-no prolonged concentration
-also includes Rocket Charm and Fire-Making Charm
~Dynamic Spells
-More difficult
-Ex: Levitation Charm
-defined by Educational Decree #13 as 'spells wherein the caster may maintain some connection to and/or influence over a target, even long after the casting has been completed.’
-Maintain flow of concentration once cast to keep spell going
-Loss of concentration results in an incomplete spell
-also includes Mending Charm, Severing Charm, and Fire-Making Charm
-Some spells fall into both categories depending on desired effect(like Fire-Making Charm)
-Static use: Ignite a flame
-Dynamic use: Jet of flames
~The Severing Charm
-Spell block:
Spell: The Severing Charm
Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shaped down and up, ending with a swish in the direction to cut.
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Moderate; The place to cut and depth of the slice
Category: Dynamic
-Invented in 1400s by seamstress Delfina Crimp
-Allows caster to precisely cut target
-Finish saying spell as performing swish in direction of cut
-Possible mishaps: Nothing happens, target only partly cut, cut is a bit ragged, accidentally cut different object than intended
-Practice in open area where it's relatively safe to make mistakes
-Not nearly as effective on animals/life forms
-Can chop down trees/cut plants
-Can give someone a scratch/papercut, anything more requires yrs of practice and is easily blocked by Shield Charm
~The Softening Charm
-Spell block:
Spell: The Softening Charm
Incantation: Spongify (SPUHN-jee-fye)
Wand Movement: S-Shape
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate;The target object
Category: Static
-Makes target a bit squishy and bouncy
-grows slightly lighter in weight
-Close to consistency of rubber ball
-Ex: If cast on book, book would bounce a little if thrown, but cover would still feel like a book cover
-Much less devastating than Severing Charm if improperly cast
-Mishaps usually result in nothing happening
-If not cast with enough charge, charm wears off very quickly or is only very slightly softened
-Useless against living matter
-Doesn't work against metal/stone(for a Hogwarts aged student)
-Journal Entries for lessons 6 and 7 if you chose to do them
-Mandatory worksheet
-Extra-credit essay