HERB-101 Notebook
written by Piper Clark
A complete and detailed book of HERB-101 notes by Piper Clark.
Last Updated
Lesson 7: Hazardous Herbs
Chapter 7
~Dangers of Plants
-Hazard classifications: W.H.I.P.S.
-Wizarding Herbs with Irritating or Perilous Specialties
-Purpose: Gives wizards a standardized way to communicate about hazardous magical plants, what to expect, as well as clear guidelines from the MoM as to laws about plants.
-Besides Class C, this system of classification doesn't apply to non-magical plants.
-Don't work on these plants alone
-6 official classes of dangerous plants
-Some plants may fall under more than 1 class
-May be more undiscovered plant abilities!
~Class A: Odorous
-Can affect humans, animals, and other plants by releasing a powder or gas with odors
-Work with mask or bubble-headed charm when working with these
-Masks should be strengthened with filtering charms on them
-Can fall into 3 levels
-Most severe
-puts you in most immediate danger of death
-Powder or gas may cause difficulty breathing, can lead to asphyxiation and death quickly
-Pollen of Hagweed has this side effect when pollinating, so not all plants are deadly year-round
-Mandrakes are in this class though they have no powder or gas; has to do with potential 7th class
-Slightly less dangerous
-Can cause death through long periods of repeated exposure if not treated after each time
-Danger in form of gas or powder if inhaled
-Odors or spores can irritate respiratory system, may find way into skin or eyes
-Ex: Smogwood, crossbred to absorb pollutants, but can't hold all pollutants so some toxicities leak out
-If you ever feel ill after working with plants, get medical help
-Mildest level
-3 possible issues this level could present: Partial or full paralysis, disorientation or confusion, and deep sleep
-Disorientation can lead to disastrous or deadly mistakes
-Falling into deep sleep could leave you exposed in a dangerous place
-Ex: The spider flower, causes instant paralysis upon pollen inhalation(duration and intensity varies with affected's weight and previous exposure)
~Class B: Physically Aggressive
-Plants which intentionally show violence either when provoked or to get food
-Usually easy enough for a well trained wizard to take
-Abilities include strangulation, biting, cutting, and pummeling
-Includes many(not all) flesh-eating plants
-Strangulation often found in vines such as Devil's Snare, for food or for self defense
-Devil's Snare prefers the dark and damp like caves or bogs
-If caught by Devil's Snare, relax or introduce light to make the vines recoil/shrivel
-Plants with teeth may bite, some have venom
-Often there is a second danger to face after teeth
-Ex: Fanged Geranium, whose bite inflicts poison that causes your skin to bubble, swell, and sometimes even turn reddish with white spots
-Dragonhide gloves will help with teethed plants
-Many plants also have sharp leaves that can cut through clothing and skin
-Some will keep to themselves, others are more aggressive
-Ex: Spiky Bush will shoot its sharp projectiles toward you to cut you
-Dragonhide gloves should help with cutting plants but you should also know the Shield Charm
-Dittany will heal you most of the time if all else fails
-Other plants pummel, punch, ram, and hit, and are often the most active plants
~Class C: Toxic
-Plants that are toxic to humans
-Only one allowed to cross over to non-magical plants
-Any plant toxic in the right amounts
-Many MoM regulations about amounts in potions
-Classified via a 4 level system, 4=lethal, 1=used in potions and eaten raw sometimes
-Plants in this class still toxic enough to be noticed above others
-2 general types: Poisonous plants containing or covered in toxic chemicals that release once touched, or venomous which inject toxins directly(fangs, needles, hair, etc). Effects often immobilize victim
-Ex: Venemous Tentacula example of the 2nd
-Ex: belladonna example of the 1st
-Please wear dragonhide gloves for both varieties!
~Class D: Infectious
-2 subclasses:
a) naturally infectious - able to spread viruses even when in peak health (Ex: Coughagus Ivy, which gives all symptoms of a cold if you wander near it
b) diseased - Have contracted an illness and can spread it
~Class E: Burning
-Cause slow destruction of skin, fur, or any other material
-Some can even wear through dragonhide
-Some have strong acids or bases in them that release once stirred
-Can cause serious burns
-Chemical burn and regular burn cause similar damage
-Ex: Fire Seed Bushes can't even be held with dragonhide gloves
-Freezing plants also fall under this class, as they cause a sensation similar to stinging nettles and slowly freeze your skin
-Frostbite is serious!
-Ex: Arctic Aloe can activate nerves that decrease body temps and slow your heart
~Class F: Reactive
-Relevant to potion making
-Refers to how plants react with other plants and materials and how they react when touched
-Heavy regulations on how they're transported
-Stimuli - Material that may cause a reaction when touched, like an explosion or acrid puff of smoke
-Gunpowder Gloriosa: Known to combust/explode if left in sun for more than 3 hours
-Mandatory quiz
-Extra-credit but strongly recommended essay
-Hazard classifications: W.H.I.P.S.
-Wizarding Herbs with Irritating or Perilous Specialties
-Purpose: Gives wizards a standardized way to communicate about hazardous magical plants, what to expect, as well as clear guidelines from the MoM as to laws about plants.
-Besides Class C, this system of classification doesn't apply to non-magical plants.
-Don't work on these plants alone
-6 official classes of dangerous plants
-Some plants may fall under more than 1 class
-May be more undiscovered plant abilities!
~Class A: Odorous
-Can affect humans, animals, and other plants by releasing a powder or gas with odors
-Work with mask or bubble-headed charm when working with these
-Masks should be strengthened with filtering charms on them
-Can fall into 3 levels
-Most severe
-puts you in most immediate danger of death
-Powder or gas may cause difficulty breathing, can lead to asphyxiation and death quickly
-Pollen of Hagweed has this side effect when pollinating, so not all plants are deadly year-round
-Mandrakes are in this class though they have no powder or gas; has to do with potential 7th class
-Slightly less dangerous
-Can cause death through long periods of repeated exposure if not treated after each time
-Danger in form of gas or powder if inhaled
-Odors or spores can irritate respiratory system, may find way into skin or eyes
-Ex: Smogwood, crossbred to absorb pollutants, but can't hold all pollutants so some toxicities leak out
-If you ever feel ill after working with plants, get medical help
-Mildest level
-3 possible issues this level could present: Partial or full paralysis, disorientation or confusion, and deep sleep
-Disorientation can lead to disastrous or deadly mistakes
-Falling into deep sleep could leave you exposed in a dangerous place
-Ex: The spider flower, causes instant paralysis upon pollen inhalation(duration and intensity varies with affected's weight and previous exposure)
~Class B: Physically Aggressive
-Plants which intentionally show violence either when provoked or to get food
-Usually easy enough for a well trained wizard to take
-Abilities include strangulation, biting, cutting, and pummeling
-Includes many(not all) flesh-eating plants
-Strangulation often found in vines such as Devil's Snare, for food or for self defense
-Devil's Snare prefers the dark and damp like caves or bogs
-If caught by Devil's Snare, relax or introduce light to make the vines recoil/shrivel
-Plants with teeth may bite, some have venom
-Often there is a second danger to face after teeth
-Ex: Fanged Geranium, whose bite inflicts poison that causes your skin to bubble, swell, and sometimes even turn reddish with white spots
-Dragonhide gloves will help with teethed plants
-Many plants also have sharp leaves that can cut through clothing and skin
-Some will keep to themselves, others are more aggressive
-Ex: Spiky Bush will shoot its sharp projectiles toward you to cut you
-Dragonhide gloves should help with cutting plants but you should also know the Shield Charm
-Dittany will heal you most of the time if all else fails
-Other plants pummel, punch, ram, and hit, and are often the most active plants
~Class C: Toxic
-Plants that are toxic to humans
-Only one allowed to cross over to non-magical plants
-Any plant toxic in the right amounts
-Many MoM regulations about amounts in potions
-Classified via a 4 level system, 4=lethal, 1=used in potions and eaten raw sometimes
-Plants in this class still toxic enough to be noticed above others
-2 general types: Poisonous plants containing or covered in toxic chemicals that release once touched, or venomous which inject toxins directly(fangs, needles, hair, etc). Effects often immobilize victim
-Ex: Venemous Tentacula example of the 2nd
-Ex: belladonna example of the 1st
-Please wear dragonhide gloves for both varieties!
~Class D: Infectious
-2 subclasses:
a) naturally infectious - able to spread viruses even when in peak health (Ex: Coughagus Ivy, which gives all symptoms of a cold if you wander near it
b) diseased - Have contracted an illness and can spread it
~Class E: Burning
-Cause slow destruction of skin, fur, or any other material
-Some can even wear through dragonhide
-Some have strong acids or bases in them that release once stirred
-Can cause serious burns
-Chemical burn and regular burn cause similar damage
-Ex: Fire Seed Bushes can't even be held with dragonhide gloves
-Freezing plants also fall under this class, as they cause a sensation similar to stinging nettles and slowly freeze your skin
-Frostbite is serious!
-Ex: Arctic Aloe can activate nerves that decrease body temps and slow your heart
~Class F: Reactive
-Relevant to potion making
-Refers to how plants react with other plants and materials and how they react when touched
-Heavy regulations on how they're transported
-Stimuli - Material that may cause a reaction when touched, like an explosion or acrid puff of smoke
-Gunpowder Gloriosa: Known to combust/explode if left in sun for more than 3 hours
-Mandatory quiz
-Extra-credit but strongly recommended essay