
The revised version of Year Three Astronomy was published on February 25, 2025.  Very few substantial changes were made from the old version, so you won't have to, or be able to, do any assignments you have already done in the old version except the final exam and ones you are retaking, but you should read all the lessons because the material in them will be tested on the O.W.L. exam and the N.E.W.T.

Good evening, class, and welcome to Year Three Astronomy. In the last two years you have learned about Earth’s place in the solar system, as well as how Earth interacts with its closest neighbour, the Moon. Before we start discussing our relationship with the rest of the solar system and the …
Good evening, class. You see on my desk a magical orrery, a model of our solar system as it is now. Today we are going to learn about where it came from. The history of the solar system is a very long one, while our own is quite short. Historians speak in terms of thousands of years, the rise and f…
Welcome! Our newly formed solar system, which we studied last week, was not the harmonious and, comparatively, empty place that we are accustomed to occupying; instead, many more planets were there. Some were rocky and close to the Sun, others were further out and made up of gas and ice. The massiv…
Opening Remarks Good evening class! Today we’ll be delving into the internal structure of Earth and the movement of continents. Hell on Earth If you remember from last week, we discussed some of the phenomena that led to the birth of our home planet. Early Earth was shaped by the hea…
Welcome, class! As we can surmise from the previous lessons, Earth’s formation is something it has in common with all the other planets. Each formed from the same massive cloud, and several are formed from similar materials. Part of what makes Earth special is how it protects itself from the …
Hello students! Welcome back to yet another week of how our Earth came to be. I must say that I am impressed with how you all scored on the midterms from last week. I hope you are enjoying this year as much as I am. Our topic for today is something that I hope you are all very familiar with: water.…
Welcome! Today is the final installment in the story of our planet. That is not to say that the story is finished, but the next chapter is yet to be written by both the universe and yourselves. Here is where it all comes together: it is the story of us. A Spark Almost four billion years ago, duri…
Good evening students! We now turn to the search, by both Muggles and magical folk alike, for extraterrestrial intelligence. The orbits of the Sun and planets in a geocentric solar system Source: here Humanity has always had an inflated opinion of the Earth, even as they sought to understa…
Greetings students! This is the last day of Year Three Astronomy. For most of this lesson we’ll discuss threats to the world as we know it, most of them the result of human activity, and ways in which we can meet these threats, but we’ll begin with a bit of history. There are many beaut…
The revised version of Year Three Astronomy has been published.  It is about Earth. The first seven lessons discuss the evolution of our home planet from its formation until the present time, including its land, water, air, life, and, of course, magic. Lesson Eight is about the search for extraterrestrial life and Lesson Nine suggests measures that the magical community can take to keep our world habitable.
Course Prerequisites:
  • ASTR-201

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