- Joined April 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 15 House Points
- 1st Year
(Care of magical creatures teacher) Magical creatures are some of the most dangerous beasts in the world, wizarding or otherwise, and that's what makes them beautiful. I was first intrigued by them when I was standing in my first ever Care of Magical Creatures Class. Professor Kettleburn and I took an immediate liking to each other, and he has been my friend ever since. Many of my host of magic creatures that I now care for have saved my life more than once, that’s for sure! Magical animals come in a variety of temperaments, and while they can be persuaded to tolerate a Wizard’s, or in this case Witch's, presence, their mood can be quite the fickle thing. I came pretty close to being as few-limbed as Professor Kettleburn once, but my phoenix, Kalila, warned me just in time and I was able to apparate away. Splinched an eyebrow too, but compared to what I’ve seen that’s nothing.
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