Hello! Some may remember me from a few years ago as Warren Malfoy-Whitten, but he's now a secondary character! My life changed, so I'm trying something new!
- Joined January 2018
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 190 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
"Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
- New Character (Primary Character Currently) -
Name: Nephele Eloise Roth
Nickname: Nellie
Age: 18 (Varies)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Status: (IRL) Taken
* S/O is okay with me doing romance RPs
Gender: Female (She/Her/They/Them)
Nationality: German
Wand: Rosewood, Phoenix Tail Feather Core, Surprisingly Swishy Flexibility, 10 ¼”
Amortentia: Sea Salt, Coffee Beans, Lavender
Animagus: Kodiak Red Fox (Cross-Fox, Black and Red Variant)
Patronus: Tiger
Boggart: Unknown
- Floral Prints down each of her sides and hips
- Florals and Greenery just under/across her collarbones
Occupation: Magizoologist/Dragonologist (How she meets Warren)
Black and White Maine Coon - “Pepper” (Female)
Black Ferret - “Caspian” (Male)
Nephele Description: Vitiligo (Generalised; macules/patches are primarily present on forearms/hands, lower back and stomach, her legs, and her face. Her eyebrows and eyelashes have partially turned white due to it), Dark Green Eyes (though the left one is significantly lighter as it has lost some of it pigment), Fiery Red Hair, 5'9, Thin/Willowy figure
- Secondary (And Original if you remember me) Character -
Warren Lyon Malfoy-Whitten
Nickname: Blue
Age: 18 (Varies)
Sexuality: Complicated (Depends on RP)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Nationality: Danish
House: Slytherin
Wand: Ebony Wood, Phoenix Tail Feather Core, Unyielding Flexibility, 13 ½”
Amortentia: Rosemary, Honeysuckle, the Ocean
Animagus: Black Wolf
*Also a Werewolf
Patronus: Threstral
Boggart: His Father
- Black Dragon Tattoo across his back and up the nape of his neck
Occupation: Magizoologist/Dragonologist
Barn Owl - “Cinder” (Male)
Albino Great Dane - “Scorpio” (Male)
Black British Shorthair Kitten - “Moose” (Male)
Warren Description: Pale Blonde Hair, Arctic Blue Eyes (Typically, see eye colour chart), Sometimes Glasses if he forgets his contacts, Tall (6’3), Lanky yet Toned
- Warren Eye Colour Chart -
(His Eyes Shift Colour depending on mood.situation)
Crimson - Werewolf
Amber - Calm/Happy
Yellow - Animagus
Light Green - Embarrassment/Nervousness
Icy Arctic Blue - Natural Eye Colour
Navy - Sad
Pink - Love
(Other eye colours can occur, but they aren’t known yet)