- Joined September 2017
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 11 House Points
- 1st Year
(Older Student) Sorted into Ravenclaw from a Gryffindor family, everyone was shook. The hat spent what felt like hours trying to make a decision. "Gryffindor" it would chant in my ear "this is what you want? eh?" telling me how I was ambitious but logical about it, saying how I could go through all means to achieve something, once no one was hurt and I would stay true those around. I spoke up to it though. with a burst of courage "Well, a house doesn't choose my life path, no matter what house I'm put in I will still attend Hogwarts and I will still try my best. now if you don't mind I have a house to get to" it told my I was being reasonable and I was sure I was about to be put into Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is what it yelled. My 5 Brothers and two sisters all teasing me, telling me to jump off a bridge because I was so daring. I still however made it through the top of my classes. defense against the dark arts, potions and alchemy my strongest. acient ruins not so much.
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