- Joined December 2022
- Member of Slytherin
- 547 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
ɢ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ʟ
◜ r e a l n a m e ◞
Allora Podmore
◜ n i c k n a m e ◞
◜ c u r r e n t n a m e ◞
Allora Podmore
◜ b i r t h d a t e ◞
June Nineteenth
◜ z o d i a c ◞
◜ a b i l i t i e s ◞
◜ b l o o d s t a t u s ◞
◜ h o u s e ◞
◜ p a t r o n u s ◞
Black Swan
◜ w a n d ◞
Dogwood with a phoenix core, 12 1/2 inches, slightly springy flexibility
◜ o r i e n t a t io n ◞
◜ o c c u p a t i o n ◞
First Year Student at Hogwarts
ᴘ ʜ ʏ s ɪ ᴄ ᴀ ʟ
◜ e t h n i c i t y◞
◜ e y e s ◞
Light Gray
◜ s k i n ◞
Pale Ivory with a rosy complexion
◜ h e i g h t ◞
◜ b o d y ◞
Athletically toned
◜ s c a r s ◞
◜ t a t t o o s ◞
◜ h a i r ◞
◜ i m p o r t a n t a c c e s s o r i e s ◞
❝ We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who's right and who's wrong ❞
ᴘ s ʏ ᴄ ʜ ᴏ ʟ ᴏ ɢ ɪ ᴄ ᴀ ʟ
◜ m e n t a l i l l n e s s ◞
◜ o b s e s s i o n s ◞
◜ a d d i c t i o n s ◞
◜ p e r s o n a l i t y ◞
Very outgoing and carefree, she likes to be adventurous. She is also highly driven to be successful.
◜ h i s t o r y ◞
Allora did not find out about her Magical Status until a few days before embarking to Hogwarts. Her mother was always quite secretive towards her, she was not even aware of her father until a couple years ago. Her father had quite the life himself, being apart of the Order of the Phoenix and serving a sentence in Azkaban for actions he had committed while under the Imperious Curse. After the second wizarding war, his charges and sentence were dropped from his record as he attempted to lead a normal life, eventually meeting his wife Dana in London.
Early into Allora’s childhood, her father stayed in England to perform his new duties as a Watchwizard for the Ministry of Magic. Her mother, Dana, moved back to the United States with Allora to live with her family. Dana and Sturgis were uncertain of exposing their daughter to the magical world and decided to let her live a muggle childhood, waiting to see if she possessed any magical capabilities before exposing the truth to her. In the United States, Allora attended muggle schools and played muggle sports, mainly soccer. She was an active child and played every other sport she could. In her early childhood, she discovered music and learned to play the guitar as well.
When Allora was eight years old, her mother took her to London for the first time to meet her father, eventually moving to England to live with him when she was nine years old, still attending muggle schools and still leading a very mundane life. She was under the impression that her parents were lying to her about something, often trying to eavesdrop into conversations but having no such luck. Once she was of age her parents had broke the news that she was going to start attending boarding school, they could still not find the right way to tell her the truth they had been hiding for years. Her Hogwarts letter had arrived and they knew it was time to start preparing, gathering supplies for the upcoming school year. A few days before she was set to embark on her journey to Hogwarts, they told her the truth.
Allora is still new to magic and the wizarding world as a whole, but is fascinated with the information she learns every day. She quickly took a liking to Quidditch as that was the only magical sport available and was learning the rules of the game to the full extent. She is now currently attending Hogwarts.
◜ f e a r ( s ) ◞
◜ l i k e s ◞
Quidditch, music, adventures, flying, Charms, Potions
◜ d i s l i k e s ◞
boredom, astronomy class, being alone
◜ h o b b i e s ◞
Sports, playing music, skateboarding
❝ And did you think this fool could never win?
Well look at me, I’m coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I’m still standing you just fade away ❞
ᴘ ʜ ɪ ʟ ᴏ s ᴏ ᴘ ʜ ɪ ᴄ ᴀ ʟ
◜ o u t l o o k ◞
◜ r e l i g i o n ◞
◜ b e l i e f s ◞
Hard work is the most important thing.
◜ d e e p e r v i e w ; e i t h e r o r ◞
◜ l o g i c a l / e m o t i o n a l ◞
Depending on the circumstance Allora is known to act on the more emotional side, but always understands the importance of logic.
◜ h e a d / h e a r t ◞
She uses her head and her heart equally, she is balanced in this aspect.
◜ m i n d / m a t t e r ◞
Mind over matter anyday, she cares more about what she knows than what she has.
◜ s a n e / i n s a n e ◞
She really isn’t sure.
◜ i n t r o v e r t / e x t r o v e r t ◞
Extroverted but has a hard time making friends in new circumstances, leaving her to sometimes come off introverted.
◜ c o n f i d e n t / t i m i d ◞
In between, she has struggled to make new friends, especially since she found out that she is a witch.
◜ o p e n / n a r r o w m i n d e d ◞
Open minded to new things.
◜ o r g a n i z e d / m e s s y ◞
Controlled chaos, she always knows where everything is even if her space gets a bit messy.
❝ Lead me now into temptation
Surely you would not deny
One who's come so far to find you
All your blessings save goodbye ❞
ʀ ᴇ ʟ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s ʜ ɪ ᴘ s
◜ r e l a t i v e s ◞
◜ f a t h e r ◞
Sturgis Podmore
◜ m o t h e r ◞
Dana Podmore
◜ o t h e r ◞
◜ a c q u a i n t a n c e s ◞
◜ f r i e n d s ◞
◜ L o v e r ◞
❝ Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in❞
ᴇ x ᴛ ʀ ᴀ
◜ t h e m e s o n g ◞
Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting by Elton John