Hey! Welcome to my profile! If anyone wants to do an rp (mature or not idc) just post on my wall or owl me!
- Joined March 2021
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 98 House Points
- 1st Year
- Canada
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Name ➼ Grace
Nickname ➼ Gracie
Age ➼ 15
Relationship Status ➼ Taken
Birthday ➼ November 5th
Sexuality ➼ Straight
Height ➼ 5'4
Fav food ➼ SUSHI
Introvert or Extrovert? I'm super extroverted
Personality type ➼ ENFJ
Religion ➼ I'm a devoted Christian.
➼ ═══════════
Likes and Dislikes
Reading, Binge watching Netflix, BTS and anything kpop, sleeping with my army of stuffed animals, my hippogriff, Pepper, which I got at MAAA!
The dark, spiders, bugs, super creepy movies
Badminton, reading, texting my friends, singing whenever and wherever (yes this includes the shower), watching vlive
Singing, public speaking, french (I'm not that fluent tho), playing the flute
BTS, singing, sleeping
═══════════Credit to Nikki Tesla for creating this backstory. Contact her if you want one too!
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